Oakmont, PA- Oakmont Candle Works and Pittsburgh based Cartoonist Joe Wos work together on a “nutty” collaboration!
When cartoonist Joe Wos moved to the Pittsburgh suburb of Oakmont in February of this year he quickly fell in love with the quirky small town. He seemed to fit right in. It seemed everyone knew him already, his books are popular sellers at Mystery Lover’s Bookstore just down the street from the former church turned apartment that he calls home.
Shortly after moving in, the nation went into quarantine, and the cartoonist who makes most of his living touring comic conventions and schools was spending a lot more time at home and trying to connect with his new community via social media.
It was there that he saw a post about a recent break in at the Oakmont Candle Works.
Overcome with a feeling of community spirit, and more than a little free time, he reached out to the company via Facebook offering to donate artwork to lend a hand.
The company’s owner, Tabtha Flanick, jumped at the chance to work with the local illustrator.
“As we began discussing what I could draw that would be a good fit, Stacey mentioned that squirrels are considered a sort of mascot for Oakmont.” Said Joe, “I thought that was not just a civic minded choice for the community we live in but also a perfect opportunity for a pun inspired candle!”
As the quarantine began to drag on Joe realized that many people were probably getting a bit squirrelly and came up with the candle’s moniker- “Going Nutty!”
Tabtha worked to create a scent that would befit this unique collaborative effort. “We created a scent with hints of hazelnut and some sweetness of brown sugar.” Said Tabtha, “It’s a tribute to this project which is both a bit nutty and kind of sweet too!”
The 9oz candles, which retail for $15 are available for purchase online at oakmontcandleworks.com
Shipping is available nationwide.
Oakmont residents can have one personally dropped off on their porch.