This is another one just for fun. I am a life long Star Wars fan. I saw the original on opening day with my dad in one of the only 32 theaters in the world that was showing it that day. Like many, the movies have always held a special place in my heart. The other day I decided to rewatch all of them. (well, not the prequels, let’s not get crazy.) As I was watching the scenes in Dagobah I was entranced by the tangled vines and roots etc.. I decided it would make a great maze! This one took about an hour and a half to create. The coloring is always the toughest part for me. I had to use darker colors so remember when you solve it you can go through transitional colors but not the black lines. Enjoy…and solve or solve not. There is no try.
Posted inmazes mazetoons movies pop culture Uncategorized
Just for fun: Solve or solve not. There is no try.