Welcome Uniontown Herald-Standard

MazeToons is running in the Uniontown Herald-Standard starting today July 30th!

This is the closest it runs to my hometown of Pittsburgh, PA and since I was on my way back home from a book signing via the Turnpike I decided to take a detour to Uniontown to pick up a copy of the paper.

It’s always great to see your comic printed full size and not shrunk down, especially with my mazes. They get to be pretty tough to solve if they are printed to small. The page looks great and as you can see I am in some good company! You also may have noticed that you are unintentionally getting a sneak peek at the comics for August 13th! Due to a little mix up they ran the wrong day’s strips. But little bugs are to be expected when you are redoing an entire comics section! Speaking of redoing the comics section…… continue reading after this image….


The comics page features a header which traditionally features popular characters like Hagar, Snoopy etc…  Well when the Herald-Standard revamped the page they decided to go with some unknown characters from MazeToons! I am deeply honored to be featured in the comics page header and am especially appreciative to them for including my signature too! Thanks! I’m looking forward to gaining some new fans in Uniontown and will no doubt be visiting very soon!



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